The Alchemy Of Nature

Nature is the wonderful gift from God to all humans;

I remember some poetic lines narrated by (-William Blake)

"To see a world in a grain of sand;

     And heaven in a wild flower;

         hold infinity in the palm of your hand ;

              And etemity in an hour . "  🌺🌺

This above lines means :-

Something as tiny as a grain of sand ,can spark off an idea / imagination of hug significance to the world.

One can witness & experience the beauty of heaven of something as small as wild flower & derive joy forever , only one should have eyes & time to see it .

Infinity is endless space ; but your small palm can hold the destiny of earth throught your efforts.

Eternity is endless time ; but just an hour in your life can make a difference to the world forever.


[Great deeds can pass the limits of time & space . They never die .]



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